Everything related to copyrights and legals

Here, you will find everything you might want to know regarding the usage of this library, the owner, and everything related to the laws that apply to it.

You will also find a lot of information about the website, its content and collected data.

Please note that, at any moment, you can send me a request regarding those information, using the Contact page.

Website related info

Name : Lightning UI

Full name : Lightning UI - The UI CSS library for the Workout Buddy design system

Date of creation : August 29, 2023 - 5:02PM

Subjects : Web developpement, CSS Library, Front-end integration/dveloppement

Owner related info

Full name : Cédric THEVENEAU

Age : 22 years old

Nationality : French

Legitimacy : I'm a professionnal web integrator/developer, currently in an apprenticeship, learning Full-Stack developement.

Cookies related info

Cookies are data created by a website that are stored into the browser for various reasons, being :

  • Personalized experience
  • Fully working website
  • Suggest targeted ads

Please note that there are other uses for cookies, but the three listed above are the main ones.

This website, as of right now, doesn't use any cookie. If it ever changes, I will update this section and let you know why the change was made.

Private life related info

The use (or in this case the non-usage) of cookies is tightly linked to users' private life's respect (or not, depending on usage).

This website doesn't collect any data related to your navigation. If youre wondering how the theme preference works, it's based on local storage (the data is stored in your machine).

Copyrights related info

The logo, wbesite name, articles and codebase of Lightning UI are the owner's property.

Anyone is able to get a copy of the library but is required to mention its origin and creator's name somewhere on the project where it's used, to credit its creator.

License related info

Lightning UI is licensed under an MIT License.

This means you can fork the project, modify it, use it for personal, commercial or even educational purposes.

Though, you must include in your project those original files included in the Lightning_UI.zip file:

  • LICENSE.md
  • NOTICE.md

For more information regarding the license, please follow this link